Cure stubborn irritating recurring UTI and PID infections by utilizing this natural gift of herbal remedies that act fast, effective and permanent.
Further product information:This product can best be described as a panacea of Urinary track and pelvic inflammatory disease treatment. It is made from 100% natural herbs, No side effects at all. Dosage: This product is to be used for 1 week and is taken 2 capsules twice daily(2x2) with water. No side effects at all.Cures chronic UTI & PID Treats Fungal, Bacterial & Viral infections. Cures Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Mycoplasma. Eliminates Foul Smell and Discharge. Treats Hydrosalpinx (Water in Fallopian tubes)
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily after meals. Avoid alcohol.